Monday, March 4, 2019


When the clock strikes exactly at 12:00 in morning on January 1 it tells us that the new year has come. Calendars being replaced and another year for us to take. In January 1 there are a lot of things that begin. You could say New Year is the beginning of an end. January 1 marks a new year on the calendar and thus you begin your new life in the year it is.

This New Year will now begin and with this new year I'll be a new man. A man more responsible, a man with more confidence a better man than the old one. A new me will rise in this new year and this year I will a start it with my head held high and start it off in an amazing way. This year, many things will be changed but it will be changed in a good way. I now start my 2019 with a smile on my face.

Last year may be not my best year but last year will always be a year to remember. This 2019, I will show the world a new me, a new me that I like, a new me for the new year.

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