Friday, August 24, 2018


One of the leading cause of death is disasters in the entire world and the Philippines endures a lot of them. Disasters causes great damage and loss of many lives and is a great threat to human kind. This disasters often happen in some area's in the world and their are so many causes of this disaster.

Philippines is currently located near the pacific ocean and it is also located on the pacific ring of fire and this are one of the few reasons why Philippines is a disaster prone country. Every year the Philippines experiences a lot of casualties or events like earthquakes, tsunami's, volcanic eruptions, and storms or typhoons so it is a disaster prone area but despite it's location the Philippines thrives and is always ready for an upcoming disasters . The Philippines may be a small country but the people are always fighting and always never give up even if they are hit by so many disasters they always get up and start a new life so we can say that the Philippines is a resilience country that thrives to be the best.

In life we can never avoid disasters because it is what our mother natures throws at us for being irresponsible so this days we must be responsible and always do a good deed in order for us to have a better life and always remember to be ready because disaster come when you least except it.

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