Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Equality is the Key!

All of us are meant to be equal because God created us and because of that all of us has equal rights but in the years that have passed some people have been treated poorly and because of this many incidents have been going on in the world like terrorism. In this world that we live in there are those that are given opportunities but some are not given and sometimes this is because of the discrimination in our world.

We, human beings, have formed a society based on certain rules that govern our actions and behavior. We share mutual materials and while building up our lives we commit decisions everyday that lead us to differing paths. Some of us are more successful than others due to various reasons. Many people question whether the success someone has experienced is due to hard work and entitlement or simple luck. Success itself is a vague concept and has its own connotations for everyone. It may mean love, power, resources or anything else but in this world we live in we have to treat each other equally because all of us are special.

Despite having different lives with different success in life we all must learn to give respect and to treat people equally because all of us have rights and all of us need opportunities to ensure a better future for all of us in the days to come.


  1. Equality is a way to PEACE!. Men or women, lets respect both equally!

  2. I agree! In this world, it is hard to really show who or what we really are, because of the standards of the society. There are times you need to hide your true self just to be accepted by all. We must engrave an equal right to this modern world.If we want a better world, this is the only way, to be equal.
